My name is Jason Bean and this here site is my personal blog. I figured it would be good to use this page as an opportunity for anyone visiting to get to know me. One of the ways I can accomplish that task is to link to all the other online social media type sites that I'm involved with at the moment. This page will grow a little bit, but for now, let's just get started with what I've got so far tonight.
I've been publishing online content since he installed WordPress on my site and published my first post back in January of 2004. It wasn't long after that I started writing for b5media and other blog networks and websites all over the web. Over the years I've been covering topics ranging from technology and software, current events, TV shows, music, travel and my home city of Indianapolis. You can find out more information about where I've been writing here.
I try to squeeze my writing into the time between being a husband and father, my full-time job and all of my web design clients. You can try and keep up with me on Twitter, Facebook and this here personal blog.