More and more people are turning to the Internet everyday for their daily entertainment from the small screen. With the variety of online video content that’s available through YouTube and other video sites, as well as the websites for the major TV networks, you can probably find something you’ve never seen available for the rest of your life.
Hulu has been covered at a variety of angles by b5media‘s authors and on EveryJoe. I first wrote about it back in December of last year when it was in private beta release.
Hulu is now public and they’ve had some mainstream commercials about their service being aired since the SuperBowl. They’ve also recently released a stand-alone desktop application for you to get all the great content from Hulu onto your computer screen without the need for your browser to be open and screen real-estate to be lost to browser controls.
The video quality is outstanding on my laptop. I could easily watch probably hours of TV shows like this. Most of the shows have commercial interruptions but that’s fine with me. I understand that’s the price you pay for free TV.
There’s so much content available on Hulu from recent shows to old stuff like one of my favorite shows as a kid A-Team. The search function could be a little bit better about finding the actual show you’re looking for, but I understand when they try to find close matches.