I’m not sure if you caught it or not, but Obama had a little bit to say recently about kids and our responsibility as parents. Specifically he stated that parents need to turn off the Xbox and get our kids in bed at a reasonable hour.
The article I read about his statement says that the Obama household living in the White House is a Wii family. Was he taking sides? Why didn’t he mention the Wii specifically instead of the Xbox?
Now I’m not saying we should read too much into this. Who really knows why he mentioned Xbox initially instead of the game console he’s familiar with on a personal level. The more I think about it though the more I’m wondering what happens. You think he throws down some Wii bowling to relax from a long day in the Oval Office? Why wouldn’t he?
How do you manage your kid’s time spent on gaming consoles, computers, tv, cellphones, etc.? How are your kids doing with their grades and school activities? Do you find a balance? How do you manage that balance?