In the last couple of weeks I’ve had two instances of a computer not powering up as expected. First it was my own family desktop. Then last week a client asked me if I could replace the power supply in her desktop.
Her cousin had ensured her that the problem with her laptop not starting up was due to a fried power supply due to a severe lightning and thunderstorm that knocked out the electricity to the house.
It makes obvious sense. Occam’s razor theory would suggest that the most logical and simple cause is more than likely the one you’re looking for as a solution. The only problem this time though is that it didn’t work. I replaced the power supply as suggested and still no power to the machine.
I’ll be the first to admit that when it comes to hardware on a computer, the power supply is an area I have the least amount of experience. But I followed the instructions as suggested and made sure all wires were reconnected as needed from the original power supply.
No power though.
That leads me to the remaining question then for this person’s desktop and my own. Why won’t it power up? How do you go about troubleshooting an issue like this? Is there some easier way to narrow down where the problem might be coming from?
I’d really like to not have to replace the desktop if it’s something simple, but I’d also like to not waste a bunch of time trying to diagnose and issue that will end up costing more to fix than the $300-400 to replace the entire unit.