I started thinking this evening about the current economic situation in the United States and wondering about the impact of technology and the Internet on the current recession. Is it possible that the powers of technology and the Internet could help keep businesses and individual more productive and efficient?
My thoughts were just wondering if the features and benefits of the World Wide Web and Internet provide a little bit more of an opportunity for cushion on the ups and downs of someone’s personal and professional finances. Is the ability for a business of any size to really market itself to any other business regardless of size a way to avoid your market dwindling away to nothing. As for individuals, you’ve got the opportunity to start your own business, or to simply network and market yourself for other potential jobs that may be available to you.
What are your thoughts? Is technology a cushion in tough economic times? Maybe you think technology (or too much of it) could be a part of the cause of all these problems. After all, we didn’t have all these gadgets, gizmos and applications back in the good ‘ol days. Is that what made them so good in the first place? Life was so much simpler then right?