If you’re on twitter but you regularly use a twitter client like twhirl, tweetdeck, Destroy Twitter or even Seesmic Desktop, you’ve probably not been to the twitter website recently. If you have been on the website you probably haven’t seen the homepage because you have to sign-out to see it.
Did you miss it? Yep, that’s the new homepage. It’s quite a significant design change compared to what was there before. There’s more of an emphasis on what’s being talked about on the network and even searching for your own keywords that maybe you’re interested.
I think this helps those people that are new to micro-blogging network and they can immediately start seeing some of the power of what’s available as a resource. I see twitter as more of a social search engine than a micro-blogging platform that everyone just shares what they’re doing and where they’re at during the day. There is that component in the service, but for me it builds on the relationship and trust I put in those I follow. I’m interested in learning more about these individuals and hearing those items, introduces me to more of who they are.
The power of twitter is the network itself. Determine the way you want to participate and use the network for your needs and you have the power of twitter at your fingertips.